Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oh, no THEY didn't!

So, we thoroughly enjoyed writing our 'Oh, no she didn't,' piece, and decided to take it a step further and put some shame blame on the fellas too!  OK, people, I get that it's super cute to want to be matchy match with your man- sometimes.  It's fun if you're attending a wedding together, and you wear a purple dress and your beau wears a purple tie.  Cute.  It's sweet to take a family pic and have everyone wear different shades of blue.  Ahhh.  However, there are plenty of times when not only is it inappropriate to look like two peas in a pod, it's downright nauseating!  A few examples of the latter are pictured below!  Prepare yourself....

Here at B+E we love Disney movies; but this attire takes the 'h' out of Poo!

Given the obvious nod to motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere, I'm just glad there are jeans under those chaps!

Even the dudes from Jersey Shore wouldn't attempt this piece- seriously!

I know we're all either Team Edward or Team Jacob, but this cape look brings it to a whole other level....ob-scene!


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